

Section 1 The annual institutional membership dues shall be fixed by the Executive Board prior to the Annual Meeting.

Section 2 Any member institution which fails to pay annual dues for two consecutive years will, after notice in writing from the Treasurer, be dropped from the membership rolls.

Section 3 Individual participants in the Annual Meeting of the Association shall pay a registration fee as determined by the Executive Board.


The Association shall hold an annual meeting each year in the fall in order not to conflict with the annual meeting of AACRAO, the location and date to be chosen by the Executive Board which shall also have the power to advance, postpone or omit an Annual Meeting in case of emergency.


Section 1 There shall be a Nominating Committee composed of five members to nominate persons for all elective offices of NEACRAO.

Section 2 The Nominating Committee shall consist of the Immediate Past-President as chair and four members to be elected by the membership of NEACRAO.

Section 3 The elected members shall serve for two-year overlapping terms. No member shall be eligible to serve again on the committee until three years have elapsed. After election to committee membership and during service on the committee, a member of the committee shall not be considered for nomination to an Association office nor become eligible for such consideration by resigning from the committee.

Section 4 In the fall, the Nominating Committee shall compile a slate of nominees for the next Nominating Committee comprised of a minimum of two Registrars and two Admissions Officers.

Section 5 In February/March, the Nominating Committee shall notify to the voting membership its slate of nominees for the Nominating Committee with instructions to vote for one person representing the admissions functions and one representing the registrars function. The two persons in each function receiving the highest number of votes shall be declared elected.

Section 6 The Nominating Committee shall convene at least two months prior to the Annual Meeting to prepare a slate of nominees for officers of NEACRAO. The President-Elect shall be nominated from the membership who have served on the Executive Council within the last three years.

Section 7 The current Nominations Committee is responsible for developing a slate of candidates for officers of the Association.  The slate will be published on the Association website and in the pre-conference newsletter in the fall. Voting occurs at the annual business meeting of the Association at which time additional nominations from the floor will be accepted.  A majority of those members present and voting at the annual meeting shall elect the next officers of the Association.


Section 1 The President and President-elect and Past President shall hold office for one year each. The Archivist/Parliamentarian, Communications Manager, Director of Membership, Secretary, Treasurer, Vice President Professional Development, Vice President Admissions/Enrollment Management, Vice President Registrar and Records, Vice President Conference and Meeting Management, and Vice President for College Admissions and High School Relations shall hold office for three years each. The Treasurer-elect shall serve for a one year term which will be elected in the last year of the term of the Treasurer. In none of these positions may the person succeed himself/herself. Should any Annual Meeting be omitted, the time between two consecutive meetings shall be counted as one year in the administration of the provision of this section.

Section 2 The President shall assume full responsibility for all the general activities of the Association. The President shall call and preside at all meetings of the Executive Board and NEACRAO Council. The President shall preside at and be responsible for all activities concerned with the Annual Meeting. The President shall approve all bills for payment.

Section 3 The President-elect shall coordinate all activities of the Annual Meeting, carry out other duties as delegated by the President and automatically succeed to the presidency. Should the office of President become vacant for any reason, the President-elect shall serve the unexpired term of the President as well as the terms for which he/she was elected.

Section 4 Vice President Professional Development, Vice President Admissions/Enrollment Management, Vice President Registrar and Records, Vice President Conference and Meeting Management, Vice President for College Admissions and High School Relations, the Secretary, and Treasurer shall be responsible in cooperation with the President, President-elect for the appointments and coordination of Standing Committee Appointments. Vice Presidents shall be responsible with the President-elect for program activities of the Annual Meeting. The Vice President for Conference and Meeting Management shall be responsible for coordinating local arrangements for all NEACRAO conferences, workshops, Board and planning meetings, and join the President and other officers in site selection for these events.

Section 5 (revised 2007) The Immediate Past-President shall serve as chair of the Nominating Committee, the Committee on Honorary Memberships and the Scholarship Committee.

Section 6 The Secretary shall be the custodian of the records of the Association. The Secretary shall keep the minutes of the Annual Meeting, meetings of the Executive Board, and meetings of the NEACRAO Executive Council.

Section 7 (new for 1995) The Treasurer shall collect the membership dues and shall maintain an accurate list of the membership of the association. Treasurer shall prepare the budget and secure the approval of the President on all bills before payment. Treasurer shall prepare an informal report to be presented at each meeting of the Executive Committee, and a formal report to the membership at the annual meeting. Treasurer-elect shall serve as associate to the Treasurer and should the office become vacant, shall serve the unexpired term of the Treasurer.

Section 8 The Communications Manager shall be responsible for publishing three editions of the Newsletter during the fiscal year, July 1 through June 30. The Communications Manager will work with the other board members to help craft and build an appropriate communication plan.

Section 9 (New for 2017) The Director of Membership shall work closely with the Treasurer to monitor the current membership list, payment of dues, and assess where NEACRAO can grow its membership. The Director of Membership will work with the Communication Manager to create campaigns to boost awareness of NEACRAO and to highlight benefits of membership. The Director of Membership will also work with the President and Local Arrangements to help plan two networking events throughout New England per year. 

Section 10 The Archivist/Parliamentarian shall be responsible for archiving all Executive Board Minutes, financial reports, Annual Meeting minutes, end of the year reports from all elected officers and appointed chairs, and any other information deemed necessary by the President and Executive Board.

Section 11 The Executive Board shall meet at the call of the President and shall have authority between Annual Meetings to fill any vacancy not otherwise provided for in this article and to conduct the interim business of the Association.

Section 12 The NEACRAO Council shall meet at the call of the President and shall have the primary responsibility of making and carrying out plans for the Annual Meeting.


The New England Association of Collegiate Registrars and Admissions Officers shall be represented at the Annual Meeting of the American Association of Collegiate Registrars and Admissions Officers by its official delegate. The official delegate shall be the President or someone designated by the President.


Section 1 The President, with the approval of the Executive Committee, shall appoint the Communications Manager, and the Archivist and Chairs and members of the following standing committees: Professional Development and Ethical Practices, Workshops and Seminars, Multicultural, Admissions Management, Enrollment Management, Recruitment and Marketing, Transfer Articulation, Registrar/Records Management, Institutional Research, Management Information Systems, Local Arrangements, Reverse College Day Planning and Promotion, Reverse College Day Program and High School Outreach and Membership. Committee appointments are made for one year commencing at the Annual Meeting and may be renewed for a maximum of one additional year. Committee members who have served two years may be invited by the President to serve an additional year as committee chair. The appointment of Communications Manager shall be for three (3) years commencing at the Annual Meeting. The appointment of the Archivist/Parliamentarian shall be for three (3) years commencing at the Annual Meeting.

Section 2 The committee on Honorary Memberships shall consist of the five most recent Past-Presidents. The Immediate Past-President shall chair this committee.

Section 3 The President, with the approval of the Executive Committee, shall appoint Chairs and members of ad-hoc committees as are needed to carry out the activities of the Association.


The fiscal year of the association shall extend from July 1 through June 30.


These bylaws may be amended at any Annual Meeting by majority vote of the members present and voting, provided that notice of the proposed amendment has been sent to the members at least one month in advance of the meeting. An amendment not thus proposed in advance may be adopted by a two-thirds vote of the members present and voting.

Voted and approved by the membership November 7, 2019.